Breast Augmentation


Conveniently located to serve Fort Worth and Dallas

At our office located in Fort Worth, breast augmentation is Dr. Gracia’s most common breast procedure.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammaplasty and bread enlargement, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed today. Breast augmentation is designed to increase the size of the breasts using breast implants and improve the proportions of the body.

The Expertise of Dr. Gracia

Fort Worth board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Walter Garcia offers breast augmentation for patients who want larger, shapelier, and more attractive-looking breasts and has the technical skills and artistry needed to provide beautiful and natural-looking results.

Choosing the Right Breast Implant for You

There are a wide variety of breast implant options available for breast augmentation. There are small breast implants for patients who are interested in more subtle enhancement, and large breast implants for patients interested in a significant increase in breast size. Popular breast implant sizes include:

  • 350cc breast implants
  • 400cc breast implants
  • 450cc breast implants
  • 600cc breast implants
  • 800cc breast implants

There is also the choice between saline breast implants, silicone breast implants, and gummy bear implants. There are options like textured implants and high profile breast implants and different implant manufacturers like Allergan and Natrelle.

Is Breast Augmentation Right for Me?

Breast augmentation is not designed to lift sagging breasts, though for women looking to both lift and increase the size of the breasts, a breast augmentation with lift is often done. A breast lift without implants is designed for sagging breasts in order to restore their shape and appearance. A breast lift and implants enhances shape, size, and the overall appearance of the breasts.

Good Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Ideal candidates for a breast augmentation procedure are in good physical and mental health, are dissatisfied with the size of the breasts, and have realistic expectations for the procedure and outcome. Breast augmentation can also improve breasts which are asymmetrical and implants may also be used after mastectomy to correct other breast deformities from birth or caused by injury or illness.

How Breast Augmentation is Performed

Let’s take a look at an example of the steps a typical breast augmentation procedure:

  • First, anesthesia will be administered which will make you comfortable and numb to pain.
  • Next, the incision will be made. There are a number of incision placement options available to you. You and your Plastic Surgeon will discuss these options and make your decision prior to the procedure. Some Incisions placement options include: Inframammary Incision (in the crease under the breast), Transaxillary Incision (in the armpit), and Periareolar Incision (around the areola).
  • The implants will then be placed in through the incision. Again, you will have made your choice between a Saline-filled or Silicone implant ahead of the procedure, as well as the chosen size, shape, and texture of the implant. Saline implants are filled with a saltwater solution after they are have placed in position, while Silicone implants, which are filled with an elastic gel, are placed pre-filled. Each option has its pros and cons and the decision is simply that of each patient’s aesthetic desires. Patients must be 18 years of age to receive Saline-filled implants and 22 years of age to receive Silicone implants unless otherwise recommended for younger patients with reconstructive needs.
  • The placement of the implants will either be under the pectoral muscle or over the pectoral muscle, behind the breast tissue.
  • The incisions will then be sutured closed and bandaged.
  • Results will be visible immediately, though you will be sore and swollen. More true results will be visible in the coming months as you continue to recover and your breasts settle into their new shape and size.

Your Breast Augmentation will be performed by Dr. Walter Gracia at his office in Fort Worth, TX






View breast augmentation before-and-after pictures of real patients of Dr. Walter Gracia.



Breast Augmentation Recovery and Risks

As with all surgical procedures, breast augmentation surgery has its risks and it is important to know what these risks are before making your decision. Talking to a Plastic Surgeon is the best way to understand your risks and to learn what to look for as you heal. If you experience any shortness of breath or chest pain during your recovery, you should seek medical attention immediately. Getting breast implants is not a decision you make once and can then forget about for the rest of your life. Your implants will likely need to be replaced or revised in time.

Breast Augmentation Cost in Fort Worth

Breast augmentation is an aesthetic procedure and not covered by insurance. Price can range based on implant size, type, and other factors. Financing options to help pay for breast augmentation can be discussed during the consultation process.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Gracia’s experience ensures he’s can offer the best breast augmentation Fort Worth has to offer. Getting breast implants has helped many women find new confidence in their body’s. It’s important, if you are considering a breast augmentation procedure, that you are doing it for yourself. This will ensure a better chance at a successful procedure and recovery.


Click here to contact Dr. Walter Gracia and set up your personal consultation.



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Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA
1204 5th Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
Phone: 817-336-9450

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